She might not wear a cape to work every day, but that didn’t stop Lydia Place Executive Director Emily O’Connor from being named our very own Wonder Woman in an article with Bellingham Alive! In the article O’Connor spoke about Lydia Place services, program development and balancing her work at Lydia Place with motherhood.
One highlight of the piece was the noteworthy increase of funds since O’Connor has been leading the way.
“O’Connor’s impact at Lydia Place has been substantial. Under her leadership, the budget has more than tripled, to $1.3 million,” the article by Bellingham Alive! stated.
The article also touched on O’Connor’s views on how to prevent homelessness.
“O’Connor believes one way to prevent homelessness is to focus on children,” stated the Bellingham Alive! article. “In many cases, children who experience homelessness become homeless adults, so disrupting that cycle is key to prevent future generations from falling into the same trap.”
The publishing of the article could not have come at a more perfect time, as O’Connor celebrated five productive, growth filled and devoted years at Lydia Place on April 5.
To read the entirety of the article about all of the amazing work done by O’Connor at Lydia Place, click here.
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