Number of Children: 3
Adoption Status: Adopted
Gifts for Parent(s): Please include a $25 gift card from Walmart, Fred Meyer, Target (or other retailer) for the parent or parents in the family you have selected to adopt.
This family is thankful for:

Extremely grateful that programs like this exist, making it possible for so many families to have a generous joyful holiday season. I know that I am grateful from the bottom of my heart. Thank you! I’m very excited about head start and preschool learning programs, games, apps, also building a digital library. I read chapter books to them at bed and naptime. The Amazon kindle Fires I’m requesting would be so versatile for my goals around education and development. I request protective cases for the tablets and I know that might mean less room for other wishes. Clothing: we love stripes and polka dots. Things often get handed down to baby brother, so it’s nice to stay gender neutral, but not a big deal. We use foot pajamas a lot, can use long sleeves, leggings, winter wear, and socks. Again, thank you so much, I wasn’t sure how specific I should get, so I hope this was helpful. Please know how deeply grateful we are and I hope you have a wonderful holiday and happy New Year. P.S., if you get kids books, which they love, please get cardboard books. Thanks!

Child #1

| Age: 2
Wish #1:

Amazon Fire Tablet w/WIFI 8GB 7"

Wish #2:

V Tech Touch and Learn Activity Desk Deluxe Interactive Learning

Wish #3:

Magnetic drawing board system

Wish #4:

Child #2

| Age: 1
Wish #1:

V Tech musical rhymes book

Wish #2:

Foam floor mat--alphabet and numbers puzzle

Wish #3:

Amazon Fire Tablet w/WIFI 8GB 7"

Wish #4:

Magnetic drawing board system

Child #3

| Age: 2
Wish #1:

Magnetic drawing board

Wish #2:

V Tech Touch and Learn Activity Desk Deluxe Interactive Learning

Wish #3:

Clothes (Shirt and pant size 3T/4T)

Wish #4:

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