Adoption Status: Adopted
I am extremely grateful for all your help with gifts for my children on Christmas. Being a single mom of 4 children all their lives has been amazing and also challenging. Winter months are especially hard due to my power bill being so high so buying gifts for my children is extremely hard. So I thank you from the bottom of my heart for this amazing gift. My children are my world. They have worked extra hard this year in school to get good grades. They are respectful and very loving!! Again, thank you so very much. Every little bit helps me out so much. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!!!
Child #1
RC Plane
Game Stop or Wal-Mart gift card
Bed set for double bed
Computer joy stick for aviation game
Child #2
iTunes gift card
Nail polish set
Twin bed set
Additional wishes--arts and crafts, gift cards
Child #3
Comb hair straightener
Twin bed set
Additional wish--gift cards
Child #4
Arts and crafts
Baby doll and accessories
Gift cards