Adoption Status: Adopted
We have grown so much over the past few years. For myself becoming a mother was a life changer, for our family, losing the girls’ dad was a game changer. Waking up that Sunday morning to find that he had passed in his sleep threw us through the wringer, our lives were shattered but we are slowly rebuilding. We have now been able to adjust to life as a single parent family. I landed a job at the WCC Financial Aid office right before he died, and I have been working there as well as being a student ever since. I do my best to support the girls and be successful with my studies, earning mostly A & B grades. It can be very difficult to pull straight A’s without much additional support, but I make the most of it and keep my GPA at a 3.55. Although we have seen some serious hardships over the last couple years we are not without faith. We believe that God has a plan for everyone and our plan has only made us stronger. I know that these are not the cards I wanted to be dealt for myself or my children, but I know in the end we will come out on top because we are determined to make it happen. Once I finish my Business Administration degree at WCC I plan to enroll in the Paralegal program and seek a 2nd degree. I want to do everything in my power to be able to support the girls financially and not live off of the system. My 3-year-old is a shy, yet talkative busybody. My 2-year-old is a feisty little lady with an active body, always running, jumping, or climbing something! We love to spend our spare time watching Netflix, playing with Barbies and baby dolls, and hanging out with the grandparents. For the most part we are home due to my work and school schedule, we try to do fun stuff on the weekends whenever possible. The 3-year-old says she wants to grow up to have 11 babies and drive a tractor. LOL I feel that my almost 2-year-old is going to be a sports player or some type of dancer or gymnast to burn off her never ending energy! Helpppp! : )This year we did ask for some toys, but what we really would love are the more practical items such as clothing needs and the mini table & chair set. However, we know that we will love and appreciate whatever you find for us! Last but certainly not least, we are thankful every day for Lydia Place being part of our lives and helping us get back on our feet! We are SO grateful for the amazing donors that support Lydia Place families every year at Christmas and throughout the year. Without this organization I don’t know where my life would be right now, I owe so much gratitude to our case manager Katrina for always being there for me and my little family!
Child #1
Target/Fred Meyer Gift Card
Winter clothes (Shirt and pant size 4T, shoe size 8 or 9 kids), socks , and underwear
Additional wishes--fire truck. $25 Regal Cinema gift certificate
Child #2
$25 Regal Cinema gift certificate
2 adult & 1 child entry to the Woodland Park or Oregon Zoo
Mini table set with two charis
Clothes (Shirt and pant size 2T, shoe size 6 or 7 kids)
Additional wishes--Peppa the Pig, My Little Pony