Adoption Status: Adopted
My sons and I have been through a lot. We left our abusive home and thankfully have an apartment and a calmer life because of amazing support from people like Lydia Place and DVSAS. We struggle every month because I’m trying to care for all of us on such a small budget. But we make it somehow. It’s hard and that’s why I am so grateful for getting this help. I feel so bad having to ask others for help but it would also make me feel absolutely horrible to have Christmas come around and my boys have nothing. It makes me feel like the worst parent ever. I just hope my donor family know that their help means the world to me. I appreciate it and hope God blesses them as well. Please know that your kindness won’t be forgotten and it will be making two boys very happy. I hope that one day I can pay it forward. A thousand times thank you. We wish you love, happiness, and blessings.
Child #1
Kinect for XBOX One
Microsoft points
Child #2
Blizzard point cards
Dungeons and Dragons Monster Manual
1 TB SATA hard drive for desktop
7200 RPM 64 MB cache