Number of Children: 1
Adoption Status: Adopted
Gifts for Parent(s): Please include a $25 gift card from Walmart, Fred Meyer, Target (or other retailer) for the parent or parents in the family you have selected to adopt.
This family is thankful for:

Our family is most grateful for God and Jesus Christ. He has always provided most adequately. Furthermore, it's given us the opportunity to then share with other in need. One of the ways we can share/tithe is to the very agency that helped our family, Lydia Place. Lydia Place is one of the most extraordinary nonprofit facilities made to assist mothers, children and families alike. Thank you for trusting them and generously providing gifts that are truly appreciated by our family. May God richly bless you for your selflessness, and in every other way too.

Child #1

| Age: 15
Wish #1:

Unique puzzle (500-1000 pieces)

Wish #2:

Mario World or other WiiU games

Wish #3:

Gift card to Reset Games

Wish #4:

Athletic shoes like Vans or Sketchers (Size 5)


Additional wishes--Amiibos figures, Roselynna, Yoshi from Woolly World

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