Number of Children: 2
Adoption Status: Adopted
Gifts for Parent(s): Please include a $25 gift card from Walmart, Fred Meyer, Target (or other retailer) for the parent or parents in the family you have selected to adopt.
This family is thankful for:

We just recently won our CPS case and are very grateful for our recovery and our children.

Child #1

| Age: 5
Wish #1:

Anything Peppa Pig

Wish #2:


Wish #3:

Legos (the litle ones)

Wish #4:

Adopters Choice

Child #2

| Age: 2
Wish #1:

Cars, trucks, and toy tractors

Wish #2:

Superheroes (Batman, Cuperman)

Wish #3:


Wish #4:

Adopters Choice

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