Number of Children: 3
Adoption Status: Adopted
Gifts for Parent(s): Please include a $25 gift card from Walmart, Fred Meyer, Target (or other retailer) for the parent or parents in the family you have selected to adopt.
This family is thankful for:

We’re a grateful, proud family taking pride in the kids and young people they’re becoming, while dealing with circumstances out of their control. We look forward to hopefully being the family “adopting” our own family to shop for next year.

Child #1

| Age: 13
Wish #1:

Adidas samba in black (size 8.5 in Men's)

Wish #2:

Toyrs R Us gift card

Wish #3:

Hot Topic Gift card

Wish #4:

Adopters Choice

Child #2

| Age: 20
Wish #1:

Hoodies/sweaters (size mediuam)

Wish #2:

One piece pajamas (Pant size 30x30)

Wish #3:

Wal-Mart gift card

Wish #4:

Adopters Choice

Child #3

| Age: 18
Wish #1:

Teavana gift card

Wish #2:

Bath & Body Works gift card

Wish #3:

Bed, Bath & Beyond gift card

Wish #4:

Adopters Choice

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